We help with integration, culture orientation, success and happiness for internationals in the Bonn-Cologne-region!

Did you move here for your career? Are you a spouse or partner in career reorientation due to your international move? Are you an employer of expat professionals? Then get in touch: we will be happy to support you!
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pink cherry blossom tree near white building during daytime
Photo by Tim Rüßmann on Unsplash

We support individual expats

We believe that being an expat is a huge chance for personal and professional growth. We also know that it doesn't always come easy and that a lot of challenges can make the way to success and happiness in Germany harder. We support expats with our "Growing Together" programme: where you get individual expat coaching, group trainings, a strong network of other expats as well as peer support. 

Want to know more?

We support local companies with international employees

We help local companies in the Cologne-Bonn-region who employ international professionals: we created a holistic programme that helps you to successfully manage the integration, cultural orientation, longterm motivation and determination to stay with your company of your international employees. So that you can retain the talents you managed to attract! Besides our programme, we also offer individualised and tailored solutions. 

Want to know more?
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

"I dream of a local society where everyone can bring their strengths and uniqueness, and where everybody appreciates and supports each other, feeling they belong to the community. Making one more person feel happy living in Germany will exponentially influence others." 

Nevena Paesler,
Co-Founder and  Chief Expat Supporter 

"If companies manage to support their international talents well - they gain loyalty and motivation. I love to contribute to this - especially in my economically and culturally vibrant home region!"

Eva Tarabichi,
Co-Founder and Chief Company Supporter

Sign up for news from us!

Our "Growing Together" programme for expat professionals is not the only thing we do! We also host regular networking events for expat professionals in Bonn and webinars both for individual expats as well as employers of expats. Sign up here if you want to stay informed and get information when a new event or webinar is happening!
Your data are safe with us: please find the details in our  Datenschutzerklärung.
© 2024 Tarabichi & Paesler GbR