We support companies with an international workforce in the Bonn-Cologne region! 

We love this region, its diverse people and its vibrancy. 

We are passionate about supporting local businesses - from the typical German Mittelständler to corporations - in their challenges when integrating international staff into their workforce. 

If you are a company based in Bonn, Cologne and surroundings, we'd love to help you to successfully manage the integration, cultural orientation and longterm motivation  of your international employees.

We also support international businesses that are coming to the region: It is our passion to help you gain clarity about the local business-culture and to support the professionals that you are sending to Germany.

Tailor-made solutions or a holistic programme: we cater to your needs. 

In our experience, every company is different and so are the challenges around the  business integration, cultural orientation and/or team-cohesion of local and international employees . We therefore offer very different solutions. 

One solution is our holistic and unique expat programme, which support your international employees until they thrive in their roles, work and life in the Bonn-Cologne-region! You can read more about it in the sections below.

Many companies also come to us with a more encompassing or on the contrary more specific needs: from the need for consulting on the entire strategy of how to start the integration process of international employees to coaching a single person in your workforce!  

In these cases, we start with a conversation to assess the exact needs. This conversation is non-binding, confidential and will provide you with clarity on what you and your company need.  Based on this, we then design your individual solution. You can discover the topics that we cover as well as the formats in which we offer them to you in the brochure below. 

How we support international work: Download the topic overview hereLieber auf Deutsch? Hie geht es zu unserer Themenübersicht auf Deutsch

Interested in supporting your international professionals holistically? Addressing expats' needs how companies need it: 

What expats need when they move to Germany for work is a complex mix of measures that helps them find their ways around: How can they communicate well in the new German culture? How can they knit contacts and build strong relationships and a network? How can they stay goal-focused and positive while overcoming challenges linked to their move? ...the list goes on. 

From years of experience in the market, we know how difficult it is for companies to provide all of this! So we've made it our passion project: We designed a programme that answers the multitude of expat challenges in Germany. Holistically.

Sounds like a good solution but you only have a few expats and you don't think buying a whole programme makes sense? No problem at all! Our programme runs regularly and you can send as many of your expat employees as you would like. Instead of having to roll out your own inhouse intercultural workshop, expat support programme and motivational campaign: we have designed it all for you! So that your expats get the support they really need.

What's the advantage of sending your expat employees to our programme? 

  • Enabling your company to reap the return of what you have invested: international recruiting, relocation, motivation of local employees to help the newcomers... Make sure you get the return on these investments by allowing your expat employees to be so well supported that they'll thank you by staying with you for a loooong time. 
  • Being sure that you cover the whole multitude of expat challenges, not just part of it, by tapping into our knowledge as experts in expatriation and integration in Germany.  
  • Having a tailored people development solution for your expats that you can use as their annual professional development training. 
  • Remaining flexible: you book as many seats as you have expats. We take care of the rest. 
  • Less hassle: more outcome! 
  • Of course, if you have enough international employees and find it more convenient to have your programme inhouse: we are happy to deliver it to your doorstep. 

Who does this programme make sense for?

  • Professionals who moved to Germany for their career.
  • Spouses who accompanied the career move of their partner and want to kick-start their own career in Germany.
  • Newly arrived or already here for a while: many expats struggle with not feeling integrated in Germany, even if they have already been here for a while. We're happy to help! 

Would you like to talk to us 1:1?

We'd be delighted to speak with you and are more than happy to tell you everything about how we can support you and your expat employees! 

© 2024 Tarabichi & Paesler GbR